A woman has lost everything and only faith remains. Such is the image captured by the lens of Harold César Ferrer Pérez, winner of the first prize in the 15th National Exhibition of Religious Art, as announced in the San Antonio María Claret Cultural Center and Animated Mission, institution sponsoring the contest.
For the first time the event, which usually receives pieces in varied techniques, decides to grant its top prize to a photograph.
The work entitled Fe (Faith) was chosen from among a catalog of more than seventy pieces received, from the provinces of Havana, Mayabeque, Matanzas, Sancti Spiritus, Camaguey, Las Tunas, Holguin, Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo.
The second place was won by the digital photo INRI (from the series El peso de la vide) by Sancti Spiritus´ Álvaro José Brunet Fernández .
La Piedad llora by Juan Ramón Navarro Iglesias and Jorge Bonzón Henríquez (Santiago de Cuba), appropriation of La Pietá by Michelangelo Buonarrotti in a model of electro polished aluminum sheets, finished third.
The mentions went to La Luz del Mundo (techno-art / sculptural object) by Maikel Moret Santana, from Havana; from the series El capítulo de los vaca sagrada: La pureza de los ideales (oil on canvas) by Camagüey’s Joel González Pallerols, and from the series Movimiento Perpetuo: Ruega por nosotros (photographic print) by Marqui Ruben Ortega Vasconcelos, from the Cuban capital. Several institutions granted collateral awards, including acquisition.
The 15th National Exhibition of Religious Art will be open until the end of January 2015 at the San Antonio María Claret Cultural Center and Animated Mission, an institution founded by the Claretian Missionaries and headquartered at the Holy Trinity Parish in 661 of Trinidad Street, in Santiago de Cuba.
This institution also granted this year’s awards for the literary contest of Viña Joven magazine, moment to celebrate the fifteen uninterrupted years of the publication.