Claudia Rodríguez González

Claudia Rodríguez González

The Android community grows in Cuba

Lester even went to the "Laboratory of Art" run by artist Alexis Leyva "Kcho" in search of a solution for his mobile phone. Through the blog TuAndroid he learned about the first official technology event on the Android operating system in Cuba. Last Sunday afternoon the computing community in the state and private sectors working with Android devices gathered together to present their individual experiences, under the slogan "For a technological culture accessible to all." But what mobilised the public the most was the announcement of the visit of Phillip Oertel, an engineer at Google Play (Android app store). Phillip Oertel led several efforts to measure and reduce latency for users with connections low bandwidth. Precisely what is needed in Cuba. According to event organisers, Oertel is currently working on a project called Instant Android Apps, with the goal of making applications as ubiquitous as electricity. Phillip Oertel, an engineer at Google Play. Oertel was able to witness the great community in Cuba, mostly young people who work in different ways to create App for Android devices in Cuba. But as he entered the room, he had to leave because the Google engineer needed a special license authorising such an...