Diana Castaños

Diana Castaños

Tarecos para Irina

Teatro El Palpito: Poor people need courage

There are many ways to have courage. As there are many ways of being poor. Tarecos para Irina, a monologue the El Pálpito theater presents says poor when it means victim; and courage when it means fighting. People who have been in some sense a victim, need to rebel against it. They need to rebel against injustice, against those with power, whether the power is. No more turning the other cheek, lowering his head, "it doesn’t matter, show a good face."Do not! Even, it is enough to resurrect our misfortunes; and no more-exotic wonder of our culture- doing it like doing a conga. We must mourn, grieve, and then fight. Laughter is a shield that leads to inertia. And there, too, to be recognized. A victim is not necessarily someone without guilt: the courage of the poor usually has limits. Because the poor often blames others for his misery, and this gives others an omnipotent condition, which they maybe don’t even dream they have. Tarecos para Irina questions like few contemporary works the elusive negligent parties of Cuban society. There are philosophical conflicts in the script by Maikel Chávez and strong reflections, underneath, on complex terms such as free will...