Proelectrónica 2014: Made in Cuba Electronic Music Festival
DJ Alain Dark during the first night of Proelectrónica 2014 / Photo: Fernando Medina. Electronic music keeps adding fans in Cuba despite its little dissemination when compared to other genres/Photo: Fernando Medina. DJ Kike Wolf in Proelectrónica 2014 / Photo: Fernando Medina. Proelectrónica is the only festival in Cuba that exclusively includes the composers of this kind of music / Photo: Fernando Medina. Proelectrónica 2014 is organized by Pm Records and kicked off on July 3 at the Torreón de la Chorrera / Photo: Fernando Medina. The goal of the Festival is to promote electronic music in the island / Photo: Fernando Medina. DJ Ricardo Martínez in Proelectrónica 2014/ Photo: Fernando Medina. The event gathers DJs, renowned producers and others that start their way in this genre/ Photo: Fernando Medina. DJ René Navarro in Proelectrónica 2014 On July 3-5 the fourth edition of the Made in Cuba Electronic Music Festival, Proelectrónica 2014, took place/ Photo: Fernando Medina.