Gisselle Morales Rodríguez

Gisselle Morales Rodríguez

Manaca Iznaga:梦想的院子

站在前面刚刚不朽的景观,法国雕刻爱德华多•拉普兰特有着超越那个图像的奇怪的感觉。艺术家已经加入和特罗特立尼人达胡斯托航行,参观了在古巴西部的制糖业,并已制定了类似的场景:吸烟烟囱,通风的房子,地方豪宅和好像消失在工厂肚子里的甘蔗大车。 Manaca Iznaga的痕迹,但是,眼花缭乱的无以伦比的建筑元素:43.5米的塔,在十九世纪初贵族Don Alejo María del Carmen Iznaga 和Borrell命令建立,以避免任何野生动物在他的地方。 法国Laplante没想到,他喜欢的充满19世纪50年代的迷人景色,在随后的几十年几乎变了,今天最有价值的,保存最完整的Valle de los ingenios ,肥沃的地区成了富裕的特立尼达,古巴第三个郊区,自1988年以来,被评为人类文化遗产。 镇定自若和所爱的世界里,很少有历史学家敢于指出的双重作用塔和种,现在是由古巴和外国游客访问量最大的地方,一个地方有趣的是不仅为它的建筑价值和不可否认良好的保存状态,但也因为持有的非物质文化遗产的小村庄散落在他的脚下。

Manaca Iznaga: A dream-like batey

Standing in front of the landscape that he had just immortalized, French engraver Eduardo Laplante had the strange sensation that his art would outlive him. Along with Justo Germán Cantero of Trinidad, Laplante had embarked on a journey through western Cuba to depict the island’s sugar industry in his work, sketching a number of similar scenes: smoking chimneys, curing houses, vernacular mansions and sugar-cane carts as they disappeared into the bowels of the mills.

City on the brink of its bicentennial

On December 8, 1812 the residents of this region attended the first Mass celebrated on the banks of the river, they were far from imagining that ceremony would mark not only the entrance of the villa into the concert of the civilized world, but also the takeoff of an entire region which, since then, would shape its identity, very personal, that distinguish it into the national scene.