Lisett Febles

Lisett Febles

Weighing up the Cuban vote

The presidential elections in the United States will decide today who the 45th president will be. OnCuba talked on the phone with Gustavo Arnavat, principal advisor to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), based in Washington, about the electoral tendency of the Cuban community and the possible consequences for bilateral relations between Cuba and the United States after a victory by Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. In recent days the media has reflected a possible lead by Donald Trump among the Cuban Americans, but throughout the campaign the polls gave Hillary Clinton as favorite. What do you think will occur this November 8? In the United States there has always been an important part of the Cuban community in favor of the Republican Party. There’s no doubt that the historic exile will vote for Trump, but in the last 15 years the Cuban-American community has changed a great deal. There is a tendency, above all among the Cubans who have become U.S. citizens in the last 20 years, to vote for the Democrats, as happened in 2012 when more than half of the Cubans resident in the United States voted for Barack Obama. If we look at what...