Luis Carlos Battista

Luis Carlos Battista

Kerry and the Illusion of a Monroe Doctrine

In 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry stated that "…the era of the Monroe Doctrine is over", burying a near-200 years policy of US hegemony in the region. This could look as a gesture of liberal politics by the Obama administration and a historical justice to the region, but the real fact is that Latin America has changed and the Monroe Doctrine is just a paper on the wall with an old reminiscence for a superpower that is not what used to be anymore. Let's face it, neither Latin America or U.S. are the same countries from 40 years ago, when the U.S. had a wide abidance within the region through several dictatorships with a doubtful respect to human rights, and the only governments crazy enough to object U.S. designs were Castro in Cuba and Torrijos in Panama. Latin America has been walking on its own for the past five or ten years, sometimes disregarding or even defying the voice of the United States. Several examples can be delivered. In 2002, in Argentina, a proposal of free trade area for the entire region backed by North America was rejected, which caused the early departure of President George W. Bush of...