One Cuban cinema
Independent film production is a phenomenon that in Cuba has opened roads with undeniable force. The demand for recognition by younger filmmakers is also a reality that cannot and should not be overlooked, as the producer Ivonne Cotorruelo explains. She chooses her films. Always. No one can take that away from her. That gives her the ability " to work creatively with the director, making the Cuban cinema I want it to look at, which is not that of the prostitutes , pimps, obvious jokes , etc. . I avoid the easy way; I choose risky movies. " Ivonne Cotorruelo, 30 , knows that making films is a miracle and every project that involves a lot of her time and life energy , are years of work. She was the producer of The World of Raúl (Jessica Rodriguez and Horizoe Garcia, 2010) Dark Glasses (JR, 2014) Giraffes (Enrique Alvarez, 2013) Digna Guerra (Marcel Beltran 2013) and Venice (Enrique Alvarez, in post-production) among others. Besides, she has two films in underway, documentaries that are being born: Casa Lezama , by Marcel Beltran , and the Belly of the whale, Zoe Miranda. All independent productions. Photo 2: Dark Glasses, directed by Jessica...