When the world premiere of the album Ancestros Sinfónico by the Síntesis group together with X Alfonso and Eme Alfonso was announced, the expectations among the followers of the group and their work grew. The presentation, which took place this Friday, June 23 in the Avellaneda Hall of the National Theater of Cuba, could well be classified as the concert of the year.
Since 2022, the material with which X Alfonso pays tribute to the musical legacy of his family has not stopped making news. The critics, the specialized press and, essentially, the public, embraced the initiative that (re)invents the historic Ancestros trilogy, with which Síntesis marked a before and after in the Cuban sound scene.

But, beyond the recording and the experience of listening to it, the most important thing that was missing was living it.
While it is true that Cuban radio stations and other international channels have broadcast the songs included on the album over and over again, nothing compares to the experience of enjoying it to a full theater and in front of the explicit talent of the musicians summoned for the occasion.
With a simple set design and an adequate use of light, Ancestros Sinfónico Live brought together, with the iconic group directed by Carlos Alfonso, the National Choir of Cuba — under the direction of maestro Digna Guerra — and the Lyceum Mozartiano Orchestra of Havana, guided by the irreplaceable teacher José Antonio Méndez Padrón.

Thought to make the public happy, Ancestros Sinfónico Live strengthens that feeling of Cubanness that difficult times try to overshadow. Nothing like music made with enthusiasm to arouse good passions, those that minutes after the start of the concert began to flow among the audience.
The night belonged to X, to Carlos, to Eme, to Pepe Gavilondo, an excited pianist, to maestro Méndez, to Digna, to everyone. But it was also the night of Ele Valdés, whom we saw full of energy, imposing, with a voice that knows nothing of scratches. The repeated cheers showed how much she is respected and loved.

A few days ago, X Alfonso told OnCuba that the concert would be an “escape valve” because “music saves us.” That’s how it was, it saved us!
This Saturday, June 24, at 8:00 p.m., the second presentation of the premiere will take place at the same location.