Laura Paz

Laura Paz

The chorus of the bus

I do not know why some people / can not stand / when the bus they are waiting for / just doesn’t come Until recently all the buses that used to take me to my house and bring me back the following day, to downtown and the bustle of the city, were blue. My dear P12 or P16. Their names, more than bus routes, reminded me of a vitamin supplement. Some of them ask: the last one? / Others do not get in line / and some people sometimes disrespect/ an old lady

A Quixote in Front of the Sea

The famous statue of Don Quixote, one of the symbols of Vedado  neigborhood, located in the corner of 23rd street and K, has a cousin 690 kilometers east of Havana city. Almost at the end of the walk of the Puerto Padre city, we find another Quixote, this one without his Sancho and his horse, tilting at a windmill.

Naranjo en Flor

The latest release of Cuban songwriter and singer Liuba María Hevia, Naranjo en Flor (Orange Tree in Blossom) is a dream come true for two reasons. First, according to the artist, this CD of tangos should have been her first work since she has always felt a great passion for this genre and second, because finally the Cuban audience will be able to enjoy it after the artist made the announcement at the beginning of the year.

Diana Fuentes Will Present New Album in Cuba

Singer Diana Fuentes has been absent from the Cuban stage for some time, but nevertheless her music continues to be in the soundtracks daily listened to by many of her followers. During this period of absence the artist has proven her talent as an actress in the Ecuadorian-Cuban film Criaturas abandonadas, and has also been involved in the organization of a new music production. What last February was still an incipient project today is a reality.

The Laundresses of Turquino River

They go down to the river two or three times a week with their clothes’ bundles. It’s as if they had reached an agreement. They arrive little by little and accommodate on the river banks almost by the sea. It is a drought season, and the Turquino River seems like a pond of very cold crystal-clear water. Each one chooses the best wahing place, in the shadow, under the bridge, where the breeze coming down from the mountain best reaches her.

A Boy and His Boot

The birth of the town of Gloriosa Santa Clara occurred on July 15, 1689 under a leafy tamarind. There, mass was said for the neighbors who had come from San Juan de los Remedios – eighth village founded by the Spaniards in the Island and Monument City – to found this new village.

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