Mónica Fernández Salinas

Mónica Fernández Salinas

Routes and Walks in Miramar

This summer, one of the new features of Rutas y Andares (Routes and Walks), a Havana City Historian’s Office project now in its 13th year, involves three guided tours of the Miramar neighborhood in the municipality of Playa called “Young People Show Off their City.” The walks will be held on August 2, 9 and 16, led by students and professors from the Architecture Department of the University of Havana, and organized by the Casa de las Tejas Verdes, a center for the promotion of modern and contemporary architecture, urban planning and interior design. The first tour—which ends at the Pabellón de la Maqueta de La Habana, a scale model of the city—includes some of the most important examples of architectural modernism in the area: the former Colegio La Salle, now the Pablo de la Torriente Brau Polytechnic Institute; the former homes of architects Enrique Borges, Miguel Gastón Martín and Max Borges Recio, which now house an embassy, restaurant and business, respectively; the home of the Falla Bonet family, designed by architect Eugenio Batista, a notable exponent of the local tradition/international codes connection; the building that housed the apartments of Indalecio Pertierra (former owner of the Montmarte cabaret), now the...


二十世纪是古巴的国家重大变化的时候。古巴共和国的诞生,剥去他殖民衣服,现代化直接插入。建筑物是最明显的地区之一:20世纪三十年代的,许多像新古典主义,折衷主义,Neohistoricismo,艺术风格和装饰艺术的风格和流派,改变古巴城市的面容。建筑师爱德华多•路易斯•罗德里格斯说,热衷于这个研究,指出关于不是现代运动,而是直到现代运动,在形式和功能方面,古巴实现了发达国家的水平。最激烈的争论之一是需要保持以前的建筑传统的价值,从所产生的环境条件,气候和习俗的国家。这是显而易见的,对于许多古老的建筑物,与住房不容置疑的实力。在哈瓦那的playa市,今天可以看到,像一座巨大的博物馆,是最美丽多变的例子,国内的现代建筑的演变的。 其中一个现代建筑房屋表达的规定与当地的细微差别就是Eutimio Falla Bonet之家(1939)。它的建筑师,欧金尼奥•巴蒂斯塔,他将传统的殖民时期的建筑元素,作为周边空间发展情节,如庭院,门户和走廊。

Modern architecture in Havana’s housing

The 20th century was a time of transcendental change for the Cuban nation. With the birth of the Republic, Cuba shed its colonial vestments and entered directly into the modern world. Architecture was one of the areas where this was most evident: in the first three decades of the century, different styles and tendencies such as Neoclassicism, Eclecticism, Neo-Historicism, Art Nouveau and Art Deco transformed the face of Cuba’s cities.