Viviana Díaz Frias

Viviana Díaz Frias

Wahine Project meeting with girl surfers on the beach on 70th Street in Havana. September 2016. Photo: OlaPiCreative.

Wahine Project Cuba: girls riding the surf

Yaya did not win them over with candy or soft drinks. She, Yaliagni Guerrero, was able to gather on an April morning so many children in Santa Fe beach because she has given them an opportunity of surfing on an island where water sports are not very frequent. A trainer in the National Aquarium and formed as a biologist, her sort of club has not been consolidated and, in that sense, what she is trying to do is “teach the children who approach me how to surf.” Yaya with children surfers in the Santa Fe beach. Photo: Darcy Borrero. The idea was born based on the alliance with Wahine Project, an organization created in 2010 as an initiative so that girls and young women of the world learn to surf, mainly those without the resources to do so. And they decided to also come to Cuba. The project seeks to not just facilitate the participation of girls and young women in the sport of surfing, but also to increase their awareness as citizens of the world. According to its Facebook page, through an educational program that includes surfing lessons, excursions and lectures, they aim to equip girls aged between 7...