Cuba offered the Mexican government tax preferences by means of a Joint Resolution signed by the Cuban ministries of Foreign Trade and Investments and Finances and Prices, as stated in the 32 issue of the Gaceta Oficial de la República.
The document materializes the Third Additional Protocol to the Economic Complementation Agreement No. 51, signed between both nations on November 1, 2013. That same year Cuba and Mexico had agreed on several changes to the concessions granted to Mexico in 2000, in the context of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI by its acronym in Spanish), which had been already been modified in 2002.
The 80-page resolution favors the import of food, chemical, sanitary, cloth products and games for children, mostly with 100% of tax preferences.
At the top of the list there are pure breed reproductive animals; whales, dolphins, porpoises and manatees; non-chopped fresh or refrigerated sea products; dairy pastas and cheeses with variants produced by Penicílliumroqueforti; fats and oils, vegetables, pastry products; jams, jellys; tequila and mescal. The first eight pages of Annexure 1 to the resolution are covered with food products.
It also benefits the import of electric audio-frequency amplifiers, optic devices, permanent data storing devices based on semiconductors, smart cards, broadcasting devices with receptors included, among others.
This broad glossary of products also comprises: toilet paper;make-up towels; toothbrushes; pipes;original sculpture pieces; antiquities older than 100 years; articles for physical training, gymnastics or athletics;universal literature works and technical, scientific or art books;postage stamps;stamped documents; bank notes; checks; stocks or liabilities.
As for children, it encourages the import of tricycles, skateboards; pedal cars and other 100 similar toys with wheels.
According to ALADI, the Regional Tax Preference (PAR by its acronym in Spanish), deals with a considerable percentage reduction of taxes applicable to imports from third countries, which the member nations reciprocally grant each other over the imports of original products from their respective territories.