Conor Kennedy’s Cuban experience
Robert Kennedy Jr.’s eldest son was in the Jardines de la Reina, Cuba, with his father in 2014. Upon his return to the United States, he wrote about the embargo.
Investigador, editor y periodista. Ha trabajado como Jefe de Redacción de Cuadernos de Nuestra América, Caminos, Temas y Cultura y Desarrollo, y ejercido la investigación y la docencia en varias universidades. Autor de La prensa de los Estados Unidos y la agenda interamericana y El otro en el espejo.
Robert Kennedy Jr.’s eldest son was in the Jardines de la Reina, Cuba, with his father in 2014. Upon his return to the United States, he wrote about the embargo.
After graduating from Harvard University, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. studied at the London School of Economics and received his law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law. He then attended Pace University School of Law, New York, where he earned a Master’s degree in Environmental Law. From 1986 to 2018, he was a faculty member at the Pace School of Law. He co-founded the Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic, which represents Hudson Riverkeeper, a nonprofit organization based in Ossining, New York, dedicated to protecting the river, one of the most iconic in American culture. As Riverkeeper’s chief prosecutor, Kennedy took up over 150 lawsuits against various corporations polluting the waterway. He also inspired the creation of more than 100 global Waterkeeper organizations and an umbrella group, the Waterkeeper Alliance. For these kinds of actions, Time magazine named him one of its “Heroes for the Planet.” “To me,” he told Time, “the environment cannot be separated from the economy, housing, civil rights, and human rights. How we distribute the goods of the earth is the best measure of our democracy. It’s not about advocating for fish and birds. It’s about human rights.” This is the RFK Jr. who first arrived...
Everything points to a constitutional crisis, the result of the president’s failure to comply with laws and court rulings.
His nomination by Trump for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services is one of the most controversial in an administration that wants loyalty at all costs in its crusade against the so-called Deep State.
Entering the United States with an I-220A document is different from obtaining a humanitarian permit. Cubans with that document were not then eligible to change their immigration status under the Adjustment Act, according to the Board of Appeals (September 2023).
He is one of Trump’s most visceral defenders, the same one who has called for eliminating government employees who are considered insufficiently loyal, in so many words, and has made an extensive list of those who are excludable.
The Republican’s election victory has led to an increase in Americans who have expressed the intention of settling abroad for political reasons, but it is not an unprecedented phenomenon.
The change has to come from below and will depend, among other things, on the levels of affectation and resistance. One thing seems certain: for Democrats, it will not be a piece of cake.
OnCuba provides a brief summary of the factors that influenced the U.S. election results in 2024, which belied historical predictions and laws.
The economic policy towards non-state forms of management has not been free of zigzags, contradictions and setbacks.
Several Democratic advisors have turned on the red lights in the face of the avalanche of misinformation and its possible impact on voters.
Trump and Vance are trying to ignore one of the things that worries them the most: the numbers, especially when they found out that Swift had directed thousands of people to a website to register to vote.
The relationship between Cuba and the United States goes beyond politics. Language has been and is, both in one country and the other, one of the ways through which their close cultural ties are manifested.
The list of Donald Trump’s subordinates who have been convicted of various crimes is not an isolated or fortuitous event.
“There is nothing left but to shoot the arrow, and that is what matters, not hitting the target,” a poet once said.
The student protests taking place in U.S. universities refer to the strategies used in the 1960s and 1970s by the civil rights movement and against the Vietnam War.
A prominent group of anti-Trump Republicans believe they are in a better position to convince other Republicans to vote against him. What they are doing must be followed. And they are willing to spend a lot of money to achieve it.
This concept of armed mobilization is associated with individuals who seek to accelerate the fall of the Federal Government through armed actions.
What the former president is doing is dehumanizing the other, a breeding ground for new acts of violence by members of his cult.
“Leave her alone, nothing is going to happen to her. This is from panther to panther,” said the Cuban when the visitor took the Gato Tuerto stage.
Aging reached the forefront of this generation around 2011, when they began to turn 65. The demographic phenomenon has gained impact in the U.S. political debate.
Pollsters and economists say there has never been a wider gap between the economy’s health and public perception.
The problems of phenomena like Halloween cannot be addressed by giving effects by causes, nor with a crime and punishment mentality.
The lack of merit has been a key element in almost all the lawsuits and petitions by the former President’s lawyers. Especially in relation to electoral fraud that never existed.
But the arrow has already been released, and it flies beyond the collections and political-commercial propaganda. So it only remains to wait and see if Donald John Trump will appear in the history books as the first former U.S. president to be sentenced to prison.
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