Joaquín Borges Triana

Joaquín Borges Triana

Photo: Spencer Imbrock.

Cuban Music Obsession or Cuba Is Its Music

A universal language with too much unexplored wealth, music plays a singular role in the composition, coordination and sustainability of identifying networks. Regarding its importance in the historic-cultural evolution of the Cuban nation, personalities have expressed themselves, like Fernando Ortiz, who in 1911 affirmed that the practice of popular music came from a sociocultural space that, when shared by the entire people, in turn offered a road to achieve a higher level of national consolidation. And he concluded with prophetic words: “Because it is something more than the voice of art, it is the voice of an entire people, the common soul of generations” (Ortiz: 1987). To speak of the identifying function of music it is necessary to start with the principle that all culture has music and it, as a sociocultural product, has an identifying function, which can be ethnic, social, etc., being the reflection of a specific culture and an identifying instrument valid for human beings and that, as pointed out by Rubén Gómez Mun (n/d) “is characterized for being permeable and flexible in the face of the different attitudes existing in an increasingly globalized world.” It's worthwhile recalling the double nature of globalization, which increasingly brings human...

Ein echtes Kleinod der kubanischen Musik

Anmerkung der Redaktion: Ich hatte von Joaquin eine Arbeit über Los Zafiros bestellt, aber als ich im E-Briefkasten nachsah, was Joaco uns dazu geschickt hatte, und wegen in letzter Stunde eingetretener Komplikationen, die es unmöglich machten, die Aufgabe zu verwirklichen, haben wir beschlossen, den Text von unserem Partner vollständig zu veröffentlichen, so lesen Sie ihn wie einen Vorschlag in einer etwas experimentellen Form. Von: Joaquín Borges-Triana <> Datum: Montag, 29. Oktober 2012 10.05 Uhr

Los Zafiros 古巴音乐的蓝宝石

编者语:我们交给Joaquín关于Los Zafiros的工作,但是在检查Joaco给我们发的邮件时,由于工作的宗旨和出现的问题让我们不可能实现这个任务直到最后一刻,我们决定发布这个我们合作人员的完整消息,所以读它在形式上就好像是议会的建议。 来自: Joaquín Borges-Triana <> 日期: 2012年10月29日,周一10:05 目的地: Tahimi Arboleya <> 事情: 你好 亲爱的Tahimí: 我总是说,事情是好还是坏,但是从来都没有计划。计算着这个日期,应该已经交了我承诺的关于los zafiros的工作给OnCuba,但是,一个星期前,我的电脑坏了,问题的解决已经持续了比预期更长的时间。现在,我用ANCI的电子邮件写信给你,利用我在这里时间。

Los Zafiros. Ein echtes Kleinod der kubanischen Musik

Anmerkung der Redaktion: Ich hatte von Joaquin eine Arbeit über Los Zafiros bestellt, aber als ich im E-Briefkasten nachsah, was Joaco uns dazu geschickt hatte, und wegen in letzter Stunde eingetretener Komplikationen, die es unmöglich machten, die Aufgabe zu verwirklichen, haben wir beschlossen, den Text von unserem Partner vollständig zu veröffentlichen, so lesen Sie ihn wie einen Vorschlag in einer etwas experimentellen Form.

Music that Never Left

Since last Thursday, August 9, I have received several phone calls from correspondents accredited in Havana, as well as from one or the other European broadcasting station, with the purpose of asking me about the lifting by the Island’s authorities of the censure, restriction or silencing of musicians belonging to the Cuban diaspora. I suppose they contact me because the news about the publication within the next months of my book Músicos de Cuba y del mundo: Nadie se va del todo somehow has broken through.

Descemer Bueno: Making and being a part of history

Photos: Cortesía de Roberto Carcassés “I didn’t really like the idea of being a musician; it didn’t fit with my personality. I was more of a military type. I wanted to be a Camilito (military academy student), but, you know, they convinced me otherwise. My Aunt Farah María also was an influence. You can just imagine what it was like having an aunt like her at a time when she was at the top of the charts.”

Electric sounds on the island of a thousand strings

Photos: Alain L. Gutiérrez In a hypothetical Cuban cultural calendar, the month of May brings the Cubadisco International Fair, the most important music recording event in our country. This year, this national music production event is dedicated to the guitar, and its slogan is “The island of a thousand strings.” The expression comes from a composition by the maestro Leo Brouwer, a musician celebrated by critics worldwide as one of the greatest classical guitarists and composers of the late 20th century.