Cuba’s forgotten jewels…, documentary about Jewish refugees in Havana
A very little known story of the European Jews who arrived in Cuba during World War II is the basis of a documentary signed by Judy Kreith and Robin Truesdale, with which the hope that that spirit of hospitality “remerges in today’s world.” The film Cuba Forgotten Jewels, a Haven in Havana, concretely reconstructs the case of the displaced Jews who arrived to the island and carried out their trade of diamond polishers there. Judy, a dance teacher, and Robin, the film’s producer, for almost a decade had been interested in the personal history of Marion Finkels Kreith, Judy’s mother, who at the age of 14 escaped from Europe to Cuba, one of the few options there were for refugees at that time. “As a child I heard some stories about my mother’s childhood, but it was only a long time afterwards that I understood the complete story,” Judy, who like Robin lives in Denver, Colorado, affirmed to EFE. A record against time When starting the process of researching for the documentary, not only did they encounter in Havana numerous stories similar to July’s mother’s but also that many had an advanced age and therefore a record had to be...