Teaching activities in Cuba will continue on television until further notice, which is why it can already be officially said that next Monday, April 20, classes will not resume in schools on the island, as had been planned since March 24.
“As is evident, given the situation in the country, it is not possible to access educational institutions, because we have to continue complying with the planned isolation measures,” Minister of Education Ena Elsa Velázquez said this Friday.
The minister explained during the Mesa Redonda television program that, in keeping with the circumstances, a new stage of televised classes will begin, which coincides with the third and last teaching period of the school year.
Televised classes have been the means used for the last three weeks to maintain teaching activities at the primary, junior and senior high school levels, as well as in professional technical education and in the training of pedagogical personnel.
The Schools for Physical Education Teachers (EPEF) will join these classes, as well as those of artistic teaching, with the subjects of Solfeggio, Basic Piano, Instrument Practice, Physical Preparation, Voice and Diction, Sculpture, Painting, Ballet and Dance Technique.
Although the televised classes allow the exchange between teachers and students to continue, Ena Elsa Velázquez warned that students’ dedication and effort is crucial at this time. On the other hand, the minister thanked the family members for their help since they have been replacing, in a certain way, the role of the teachers.
Meanwhile, it was assured that the students will pass the educational level and grade as long as they prepare regularly and comply with good results with the planned evaluation schedule.
In this sense, the essential contents of each subject for the understanding of those that will be dealt with later will be determined.
“When it was decided on March 24 to stop close the schools, 70% of the teaching weeks had already been carried out, as well as the systematic and partial evaluations planned, which, together with what we are doing at the moment and what it’s possible to do after the school year has restarted, will put us in a position to give the final evaluation in each subject,” said the minister.

Regarding the revaluation and extraordinary exams, all students who require it will have the opportunity to present themselves whenever possible. “Prior attention from teachers will be guaranteed, so the school year will never resume immediately with new content and evaluations. We will always dedicate a few weeks to consolidate and exercise,” assured Velázquez.
“The Cuban family must have confidence that the students will pass grade, year and level in accordance with their results, after making use of the opportunities provided in the school calendar,” said the minister.
Finally, the minister of education pointed out that the student winners of national competitions in the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography have a direct slot for Exact Sciences Senior Highs (IPVCE).
Likewise, students who are studying ninth grade in the IPVCE have direct enrollment, while the rest of the slots will be awarded based on the results of the Mathematics, History and science subject chosen.