Of the measures announced to date, those that raise prices and rates will also contribute to the rise of inflation,...
How can history help us to understand the origins of our problems and as a tool to interpret the present?
There is only one way to be born, but there are many ways to die. Doing it with dignity should...
Eleven Cuban women writers describe Christmas. The visual work of eleven artists accompanies the stories. Texts and images are two...
Managing digital media to carry out political communication is not a matter of publishing tweets, taking selfies and recording streamings,...
Pollsters and economists say there has never been a wider gap between the economy’s health and public perception.
Along with an undersupplied, inefficient and expensive state commerce network, another network of small private grocer’s and hardware stores has...
Reading the results of the last conference The Nation and Emigration, a political contradiction of our ongoing socialist transition came...
The debate around his figure has so many ins and outs that it would be worth returning to them to...
In the last decade, Cuban immigration policy took a radical turn compared to the previous fifty years.
Abortion is a right always in dispute for which legal protection with sufficient regulatory hierarchy is vital for it to...
It would not be a bad idea for those who have chosen to live abroad not to assume that those...
The post-COVID-19 economic recovery is markedly slow and from a sectoral perspective unbalanced, with a striking delay in the supply...
There is nothing better than success to attract the attention, the suspicions, the concerns of the bureaucracy and the fear...
The next chapter of this dialogue occurs in a historical moment that Fidel Castro himself would have described as very...
The inequalities between living conditions in “the countryside” and “the city” are at the heart of the problem.
Concepts of quantum physics and their application to everyday life unexpectedly led me to think about Cuba.
These are five events that can have a positive impact or be a symptom of a more pragmatic approach on...
There is talk of gradualness when the country is really entering a new way of functioning without having gradually adapted...
Located meters from the main entrance of the Santo Ángel Custodio church, on Compostela Street, she seems to walk slowly...
If all this that is happening and will happen was the result of not having done anything in recent years,...
But the arrow has already been released, and it flies beyond the collections and political-commercial propaganda. So it only remains...
Besides prayer, the most popular method is to leave little notes addressed to the Most High.
“There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of...
Thousands of kilometers away, “the damn circumstance of water everywhere” continues to mark me.
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