Ángela Rojas

Ángela Rojas


关于她的颂歌和被告知的美丽,哈瓦那展现了一种由时间给予的特性,矛盾的力量使哈瓦那个人化,给予了她不容修复的伤害,然是面对变化也是一个羞涩从西的少女。当其他城市都在暴力的改变着时,哈瓦那还原封不动,历代的变迁,甚至几十年的变化,向西的总和的分层上,给它的教育价值,产生了证据,把她成了一节历史课。 引用Carpentier的话要远远超过致敬验证创意,或参考。但在在这里我们需要,因为,比巴洛克更宽容,他发现了“多立克柱式半长柱和科林斯半长柱; 爱奥尼亚柱,女像水泥柱,羞涩的的启发或者是蔓延整个城市的作品的建筑师核对了的退变的一个Viñola ……” 在哈瓦那有着复杂的传递着不容信息的矛盾体。同类的都是传统的中心。在Vedado和Miramar,由于它的地段在欧洲发现城市主义的灵活性之前就存在了,接纳着任何东西,因此,隐藏在ocujes和杏仁使眼色的各种折中主义和现代主义建筑。

Das unbekannte Havanna

Die viel besungene Schönheit Havannas wird noch durch eine Besonderheit erhöht, die ihm die Zeit verlieh, die, in widersprüchlichen Eifer, es zu individualisieren, es unerbittlich vernachlässigte, was ihm aber auch eine jungfräuliche Zaghaftigkeit dem Wandel der Zeiten gegenüber gab.

The Unknown Havana

Photo: Jorge Laserna Along with its oft-praised beauty, Havana has a special feature that is conferred by time, which in a contradictory effort to make this city distinct, endowed it with relentless deterioration, but also with a virginal timidity in the face of change. While other cities rapidly changed, Havana remained intact through centuries and decades of variation, which, in that accumulated and stratified growth westward, gave it a didactic value that goes beyond testimony and makes into a lesson about history.

AltaHabana: where houses are not little boxes

Photos: Alain L. Gutiérrez As one of modern-day Havana’s urban development projects (neighborhoods), Altahabana is probably among those that best preserve their integrity and authenticity. Our “little boxes” are just a modest urban planning solution within which the miracle of this coveted sustainability has occurred; at least, that is, from a purely social standpoint. It is a suburb in which urban planning standards made it possible to create an identifiable community for pursuing real quality of life.