Bertha Elena Navarro

Bertha Elena Navarro

Cuervo y Sobrinos

1882年在哈瓦那城建立,这个著名的商标Cuervo y Sobrinos尽管还生活在历史中心。所以在哈瓦那或其他的地方找到不认识Cuervo y Sobrinos之家的人,说明了它的重要性,这个商标从它成立就被买了。持有人是岛上唯一的进口名表Roskoff 和 Longines的商人,也就是说,就全世界最著名的2个品牌。 谢谢这本书Oro Hispano-Americano,出版于1917年,让我们有可能了解到珠宝店Cuervo y Sobrinos的起源,那时候“全岛最有信誉的企业之一,主导者大部分的贸易竞争”,根据这个广告,还有“也是古巴最坚实的商业实体之一”。创始人Marcelino Ramón Fernández y Cuervo先生,和最初的Armando F. Río y Cuervo先生引导,因为竞争和Ramón勤劳而著名,就这样,和他的两个侄子的合作Plácido y Lisardo Río y Cuervo。

Cuervo y Sobrinos

Founded in Havana in 1882, the well-known company Cuervo y Sobrinos still lives in the historic district of Havana Vieja. Back in the day, it was very difficult to find anyone in Havana or in the rest of the country who was not familiar with the firm, due to the importance that this company attained after its founding. Its proprietors were the only importers on the island of the famous Roskoff y Longines line of watches, one of the best-known in the world.