

安地列斯美人鱼:Deborah Andollo

美人鱼的故事,就是用她的迷人的魅力吸引了海上勇士,到今天都借助故事或者是儿童和历险电影来表达。 许多人用他最宝贵的宝贝打赌为了拆穿那些说认识或者见过美人鱼的谎言。神话了的人类,半人半鱼,被认为只是想象力的产物。尽管在古巴可能有一个…… Deborah Andollo López,完完全全的古巴人,比起是女人更多的是美人鱼。因为她有着优美的曲线和美丽的容颜,拥有着潜水方面特质使她收到了不同的荣誉。 在她45岁时,就是古巴体育界地位最高的形象之一,尽管她大部分职业生涯致力于呼吸暂停式潜水,这是一种奥利匹克运动会之外以及不是很国际化的一个项目。 Deborah 是16个世界纪录的保持者在四个不同种类的呼吸暂停式项目里,而且还获得了1996年的“海上奥斯卡”以及1997年被选为世界级最好潜水员。 这个金发美女四岁就开始了游泳练习,11岁时决定加入花样游泳,而且练习了长达10年之久。

Die Antillennixe: Deborah Andollo

Geschichten von Nixen, fähig, den mutigsten Seemann mit ihrer zauberhaften Schönheit zu verführen, sind über Kindermärchen, Kinder- oder Abenteuerfilme bis zu unseren Tagen gelangt. Viele würden um ihren wertvollsten Schatz wetten, um denjenigen Lügen zu strafen, der behauptet, er habe eine Nixe kennengelernt oder gesehen. Mythologische Wesen, halb Frau, halb Fisch, von denen angenommen wird, nur Hirngespinste zu sein. Obwohl wir in Kuba eine haben…  

Déborah Andollo: The Antillean mermaid

Stories about mermaids that are capable of seducing the most intrepid sailors with their enchanting beauty have been told for ages, and they still abound today in children’s books and adventure movies. There are those who would wager their most precious treasure to refute a claim of a mermaid sighting. These mythological beings, half woman and half fish, are supposedly a figment of our imagination. However, in Cuba, we have one….

Mijaín López: His smile in London

Photos: Ricardo López Hevia In the smothering summer heat, the 30th edition of the Olympic Games, London 2012, became a source of entertainment for Cuba as a whole. While our delegation was much smaller than on previous occasions (110 athletes), the results were not long in coming: Cuba finished in 16th place by country and first in Ibero-America, with 5 gold medals, 3 silvers and 6 bronzes, surpassing its performance in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

El arte de hacer arte

Un público dubitativo, expectante, curioso, pero sobre todo dispuesto a actuar, a ser partícipe y complemento de la obra, es lo que espera el grupo de jóvenes artistas cubanos que integra Una exposición sin espectadores en la librería de Infanta y San Lázaro de La Habana. Dennis Izquierdo, Orestes Hernández, Yornel Martínez, Tatiana Mesa y Carlos Martiel se entregan a los vericuetos del ser y el estar, a la polémica entre el hombre actuante y el hombre pensante.

Leinier Domínguez: following Capablanca’s footsteps

Photos: Ricardo López Hevia Cuban chess today boasts a select group of young players with outstanding careers. One of them is Leinier Domínguez, who has an ELO rating of 2730, placing him at No. 20 in the FIDE ranking, and making him the best-ranked Latin American player. At just 28, Domínguez, who hails from Güines in Mayabeque province, is the great hope for this sport in Cuba, where this level of talent has not been seen since the legendary José Raúl Capablanca.

Victor Mesa the sanest of madmen

«People say that he’s crazy, but he is stepped walked in front of a bus. I would like to be a manager and have on my team nine madmen like Victor Mesa.»(Conrado Marrero, the Premier of Cuban baseball) When you talk about great figures of Cuban baseball there are many names that stand out, but without a doubt Victor Mesa Martínez deserves a prominent place, as one of the most explosive and talented players who have competed on the playing fields of Cuba and the world.

“I can’t be without a track”: Dayron Robles.

Photos: Ricardo López Hevia No one in his native Guantanamo would have guessed that the young boy born November 19, 1986, Dayron Robles, would to go on to become the Olympic champion and world-record holder in 110-meters hurdles. Considered by many as the best hurdles sprinter in the planet today, he is in possession of three of the ten best times in 110 meters ever recorded.