The fountain outside the Pan-American Stadium in Havana will soon be 15 years old. It was a gift from North Korea to the people of Cuba on occasion of the 11th Pan-American Games, celebrated in Havana in 1991.
The sculptures – in the most authentic North Korean style – represent athletes practicing different sports with a long tradition in Cuba.
Many years ago, the fountain used to offer a beautiful display of lights and water that was beautiful to watch. But now it is dry, and dark at night, and the athletic figures are more like ghosts, frozen in mid-action, the silent witnesses of another time…
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Like Cuba itself my friend before 1959 it was a magic country. After 1959 it became the dark cave of Fidel Ali baba only liked by dictators, thiefs, and terrorists, around the world. Dictators such as the one in north Korea. Sad thing!