Alejandro Ruiz Chang

Alejandro Ruiz Chang

Nació en Guanabo, pero no le gusta el Sol. Del mar, en cambio, nunca se podrá separar. Por eso sigue aferrado al malecón y haciendo periodismo que es lo que, más menos, mejorcito se le da.

Billboard: Cultural Life Back

Like a breath after the storm, Cuban cultural life begins again to bring some fresh air now that Irma is gone. Step by step institutions are cleaning up the dust and opening their doors one more time to start where they left. So we are on the wheal again to let you know what’s going on around. Don’t miss anything. There will be four super events: Rufus Wainwright’s public concert in Havana, Patria Grande International Festival, closure of Casa Tomada and the beginning of the 1st Eyeife Festival of electronic music. This is just the musical part. Also you could see new plays and expo openings, which by the way we recommend the exhibition cycle in La Marca. Here you have some heads up, keep reading to find out about it. See you around!   Rufus Wainwright in Cuba The world wide famous musician will give a public concert in the Great Theater of Havana Alicia Alonso, with the theater’s Symphonic Orchestra and Cuban singer songwriter Carlos Valera. This will be happening next Sunday 24th at 5 p.m. Rufus is visiting the city with his fans since past 21st to 25th. They all pay to be part of the tour...

Billboard: Let’s go party!

We are supper happy this week. Why? Because it was already a year ago when we were setting this OnCuba billboard. So lets party hard our first year by keeping you informed about everything is happening here and there. And we also have a new design as a birthday present! To begin with this week here you have a books affair to stroll up and down Vedado area and something to read for the whole year. Music related we have a lot and for all tastes, as usual. Same in Visual Arts with expos and book presentations.  Last but not least we also have Theater, Cinema, Art Factory and each one of them full of awesome things so you have a high September start. As you see, we did our part. You only have to choose and find wherever you like. Join us in our celebration and let us know what you think of this new look. See you around!   Readings for the whole year Today, from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, will be the closure for the Summer Readings. All day will be book sales, children activities and much more. It will take place all over 23rd Ave....

Billboard: Super Jazz family

Ending this holiday season we have a lot of choice to end the Summer. This week could be for many the last one to party and that is why we will have some. Don’t worry though there is always time to dance, listening some quiet music, to read, or go to the movie, the theater and even a comedian show. We Cubans always find the time to have fun. So here you have all our proposal for the next days. First of all, the big concert of Lopez-Nussa family in the Great Theatre, also the end of Van Van tour in New York and of course plenty of music everywhere. There will be also and theater's opennings and comedian shows so you can laugh. The Art Factory invites this weekend to stop by and hangout. Plus there is a lot of good movies and several concerts in Arte en La Rampa. So you already know, another week to decide what are you going to do with your free time. When you want to know what is going on just come back here and find out. Try not to forget anything, take some notes if you need so and see you...

Billboard: Pure piano

This weekend special invitation comes with piano tiles. You’ll see above what’s about. There will be also a lot of Cuban music and lot of everything! We’re here to please you all. In the comedy world we have options both sides of the see. It will be the same with art, theater, dance and all you can think of, so you choose your way. If you want to dance, or listening some classics, or going to an expo, or having a good laugh, or watching movies, or spend a long night in FAC, or whatever! you can do it just checking our choices! So here it goes. It’s your turn now. Check it out! Chucho in concert This is a very special invitation to the summer concert of maestro Chucho Valdés. It will be on Saturday, August 12th at 8:30 pm in the Great Theater of Havana. The program will offer a retrospective with some of his most emblematic work and also various tributes to different composers who influenced his career. Jazz with Alejandro Falcón Alejandro Falcón with his band Cubadentro will be in concert next Sunday 13th, in the Great Theater of Havana at 5 pm. This presentation is...

Billboard: Stereo sound

We start this week with an electronic shot so you can check out a lot of choices and move around. First of all, Stereo G Festival 2017 will be taking place in wonderful Gibara town, Holguín. You still have time so pack your bags and don’t miss that sound tide. There will be also another electro-acoustic moves going on in La Tropical, The Magic Flout and more, just remember we are electronic this week! Best part is that’s not it because we well have Cuban music in Miami with the Latin Fest, for + music; plus all the events in the island! On the other hand, if your are looking for art, we recommend you to go to the RayoActiva Zone, close to Chinatown, to enjoy art in the street. Also we have laughter, theater, movies and if you want to shake a little we have Arte Factory. We say no more. You can find everything above so choose and go out. Enjoy the week and see you around! Gibara in Stereo Stereo G Festival start today in Gibara, Holguín, for the 6th time. The event is a very expected one in electronic music movement in Cuba. It will take...

Billboard: Without masks

This week will start with the expo Sin Máscaras: Arte Afrocubano Contemporáneo in Fine Arts Museum.  Also we will have art from two islands in Key West, and the new exhibit in Taller Gorría Gallery. Of course we will propose a lot of concert in Music and the same for Dance, Theater and Cinema. If that is not enough you can find what is going on in Arte en La Rampa and FAC, by the way, they will have a special program this weekend. So keep in touch and don’t miss anything! Art without masks National Fine Arts Museum and Watch Will Foundation will present in Havana the exhibition Sin Máscaras: Arte Afrocubano Contemporáneo. It will start today July 28th at 5 pm to October 2nd. We are talking of 149 pieces by 40 Cuban artists. All of them belong to Von Christierson Collection and they are distributed in three different Museum rooms. The curator was Orlando Hernández. In this first week there will be also collateral lectures by very well known academics in African and Afro-American Art fields from Yale, Oxford and Columbia Universities. The artist will give conferences too as well as some documentaries will be display. Here...

Billboard: House off the window

Join us today for the season’s closure of Va por la Casa (Its on the House). This event hosted by Casa de las Américas (Americas House) will star saying goodbye today at 11 am with a tour around the building. At 2 pm there will be a debate about street art and an urban intervention photograph exhibition by Abel Carmenate. Later at 4 pm the House will be presenting their magazine edition 287. Finally at 7 pm there will be a concert with Jan Cruz and his band in Che Guevara Hall. Jan Cruz sent an invitation for all of us. Those are just some of the events you will find here this week. We have a lot more below. You know already how to do it: click and choose! Jan Cruz flying paper planes Today Jan Cruz will offer a concert at 7 pm in Che Guevara Hall of Casa de las Américas. He will sing the songs of his CD Aviones de papel. Cruz will be with his band and also Gretell Barreiro, Mauricio Figueiral and Roberto Perdomo, Tesis de Menta leader. Here it is Jan Cruz invitation for OnCuba: <!--> Tony Ávila and Sergio Vargas in concert...

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