Alejandro Ruiz Chang

Alejandro Ruiz Chang

Nació en Guanabo, pero no le gusta el Sol. Del mar, en cambio, nunca se podrá separar. Por eso sigue aferrado al malecón y haciendo periodismo que es lo que, más menos, mejorcito se le da.

Billboard: Contemporary dance with love

Contemporary Dance of Cuba will premiere a new piece by the British choreographer Lea Anderson. Mars and Venus’s Love will be on stage next three weekends in the Great Theater of Havana, among other plays previously performed by the company. We’ll start the week dancing with love. This is our first invite, and you’ll have time to enjoy it. So get ready. Music brings all kind of things, starting with Silvio Rodriguez today in Marti Theater and continuing with Cimafunk, Waldo Mendoza, Idania Valdes and lot more. Keep the track! In Visual Arts, the second session of PASE!, the program with Poetry, Art and Experimental Sound in Arte Continua, and much more. In Theater, still on the German Theater Week in Havana with super interesting plays, also a play you can’t miss in Miami if you’re over there. On this side there will be also a lot to laugh with, like the show Un guajiro en Miami, starring Antolin El Pichon and Ivan Camejo. These are just some heads up... the rest you’ll have to find it right here! Click the banner and choose. See you around!   Mars and Venus’s Love Premier of Mars and Venus’s Love, a play...

Billboard: Cubadisco on front line

With music, that’s how we’re starting this week. With the best of Cuban records in Cubadisco, which now comes accompanied by Primera Línea. Many concerts, presentations, lectures, workshops, showcases, and more so you can keep abreast of the island’s music for a few days. OnCuba Billboard brings you this event’s programming. Go for it! In Music we also have: Silvio through the barrios, Cimafunk in the Sauce, María del Mar Bonet premiering a record in Cuba, and many other things surely of interest to you. In Visual Arts, a Cuban photography anthological exhibition, among other inaugurations. In Dance, the Carlos Acosta company is touring Europe, and in Havana you will be able to see the Ballet of Camagüey and the J.J. Company. In Theater, the German Theater Week kicks off. And in Cinema, Dutch films and cinema under the stars. Read, choose, get organized, get dressed and go out. The street is waiting for you. See you around!   Cubadisco 2018 Cubadisco-Primera Línea International Music Forum in Havana, from September 23 to 30 with a varied cultural programming that includes concerts, record presentations, lectures, showcases and specialized visits. The fair’s actions include the awarding of the Cubadisco Prize, on the...

Billboard: Power to women in Zenit Tattoo

This week we start off OnCuba’s Billboard with the Zenit Tattoo Studio. PIN-UP GIRL is the initiative of designer Yudit Vargas in order to make visible from another aspect women’s empowerment, with tattoos, free and capable of doing everything. This is the first invitation of the Visual Arts: a late afternoon with expos, music, tattoos and more. Therefore, the first recommendation is in Santa Fé, but we have more, much more. Along that same line there are several expositions with different styles and artists. In Cinema, an homage to María Callas for the 41 years of her death and the screening of the documentary Días de Diciembre, by filmmaker Carla Valdés León. In Music, artists celebrating, premiering CDs or in their usual spaces, a bit of all to choose from. In Dance, the reposition of two pieces by Danza Teatro Retazos in their Las Carolinas venue. And in Theater, a Mexican company that will surely interest you, as well as other plays to enjoy the art of the stage in Cuba. Come back next week because there will be more for all tastes. For the time being, click on the banner and choose what you want to do. You have...

Billboard: Mi Habana sung by Pablo

Pablo Milanés will give a concert at the Karl Marx Theater, after three years of not being on stage for a personal show. The title will be “Mi Habana” because it will be dedicated to the Cuban capital, also to its people and to all those who go to the concert for a tour of the work of the great Milanés. OnCuba Billboard won’t miss it, and you surely won’t either. It’s impossible to miss it. In addition, we have more Music for you because there are other artists around these days who will be performing in several places that will surely interest you. In Visual Arts we recommend several expos and the Festival of the Arts in San Isidro. In Cinema, you will find out about the official launching of the campaign for the 40th Havana Film Festival. In Dance, Dracula by the Laura Alonso Ballet Company. In Theater, a premiere in the Raquel Revuelta Cultural Center. And in Literature, the release of a text during Book Saturday. This is just a preview. The best is below. You always know what to do: click on the banner and choose. We’ll see you around!     Pablo Milanés’ Havana Pablo...

Antonio Llaca. Photo: Julie Hahn.

Antonio Llaca: Cuban music to move his life

Antonio Llaca was born in Havana in 1984. At the age of 12 his parents took him to Venezuela for work reasons. Leaving the island was not easy. Leaving behind his friends and the rest of the family was the worst part. In Cuba he did not study music. His first music lessons were in El Tigre, a small Venezuelan city where he studied classical guitar, the Venezuelan cuatro and the mandolin. And when he reached the university stage he moved to Caracas to study in the University Institute of Musical Studies (IUDEM) with Venezuelan professor Luis Zea. A year later he emigrated to Canada where he began studying classical music, first guitar and later choral direction in the city of Ottawa. After graduating he continued advanced studies in Montreal in choral direction for a master’s. Today he has a very active musical career, he directs eight ensembles, between instrumental and choral, and he teaches music in Carleton, one of Ottawa’s biggest universities. Last July he went on a tour of Beijing and Shenyang for the International Choir Festival. In China he presented two Cuban choral works by maestro Frank Fernández. Because Cuban music has always been part of his...

Billboard: Summer in Acosta style

Enjoy the summer with dance! It doesn't really matter if it is you dancing or another because the best thing about dance is just to have a good time. So if you agree with us and you like contemporary dance run to the Great Theater of Havana to see the Carlos Acosta’s company with a Summer Season. Don’t worry anyway; we have a lot more to propose you. In Music, all kind of artist, genres, styles. In Visual Arts, there will be a lecture with Arturo Montoto in Gallery Workshop Gorria. In Comedy, the closure of Virulo’s tour “Humor in Cuban music”. In Theater, you’re still on time to watch Dudo in Trianon theater, as well as the premier of Ten ways to call a dead dog in El Ciervo Encantado. In FAC...everything. In Cinema, 3D films in Chaplin movie-theater. There’s a lot for only one weekend. So feel free to choose. Enjoy summer and dance. See you around!     Acosta dance The company Acosta Dance, directed by Carlos Acosta, will present its new season “Verano” (Summer), during this weekend, in the Great Theater of Havana. The new program has three pieces: End of time, choreograph by English Ben...

Billboard: Retazos on stage

Dance-Theater Retazos company is on premier this weekend, and not one but two! The first one by the company director Isabel Bustos, and the second one by her son Miguel Azcue, director of the Swedish dance company Memory Wax. So Dance in Old Havana is our first recommendation, enjoy the city and its movements. In Music, well... maestro Chucho Valdes will have several concerts with very special guests. In Visual Arts, a new expo with Juan Padron pieces, extremely recommended. In FAC a little bit of everything so you don’t get bored. In Cinema, more than 20 films produced by the Japanese animation study Ghibli. And for closure, some of the things you may find if you stop by Arte en La Rampa. A usual we have a bit of everything to keep you close, so choose and see you around!     Premiers in Retazos Today and tomorrow, at 7 pm, Dance-Theater Retazos company will premiere two pieces. The first one, Mensajeros, by Isabel Bustos, director of the company; and the second one, Formas, created by Miguel Azcue, a coproduction between his company Memory Wax and Retazos. Presentations will take place in Las Carolinas (Amargura 61, btw San Ignacio...

Billboard: Contemporary Dance of Cuba with another skin

La segunda piel is the newest Contemporary Dance of Cuba’s (DCC) world premier. It will be on stage the whole weekend with musical surprises so if you’re a DCC addict don’t miss it! There will be more Dance in the Hispano-American Culture Center. In Visual Arts, three very well recommended expos, so take your time and check the banners. In Music, all kind of concerts, and the new CD release of La Charanga Habanera. In Theater, one play in El Mejunje. In Comedy, laughs just by listening good music. In Cinema, one film of the International Gibara Film Festival, and of course the Summer Cinema continues with a lot of movies. And last but not least, as usual, you’ll have everything happening in FAC. Lots of thing to do, so no excuses and see you around!   Contemporary Dance of Cuba’s world premier Contemporary Dance of Cuba (DCC) will premiere the new choreographic creation by Julio Cesar Iglesias, La segunda piel. This will be happening during the weekend in the Great Theater of Havana (Friday and Saturday at 8:30 pm. Sunday at 5 pm.). For these presentations the company has the honor of having the presence on stage and live...

Billboard: Rock with BandEra

BandEra Studio is back after their first big concert’s success in Salon Rosado, and always with Rock and Roll as a personal sign, as a lifestyle. This is our first invitation. So if you where on their last event, do it again. You know what we’re talking about. In music you’ll see a lot of concerts for you to find exactly what you need. In Comedy there will be premier show in Karl Marx. In Dance, the second season presentation for the Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba’s Summer Courses. In Visual Arts, a Montoto expo in Galeria Taller Gorria. In Cinema, a lot of film for the summer. And in FAC, as usual, everything. Last week of July, but we still have August ahead. Lucky you if you are on vacation. If not, sure you’ll do something in your free time. So...see you around anyway. BandEra Studio, second time Second super concert with the guys of Bandera Studio. Again in Salon Rosado, Tropical, tomorrow, at 9:30 pm. This time with X Alfonso, David Blanco, Collector, Miel con Limon and BandEra band! Ivette in Ciego de Ávila Ivette Cepeda and Reflexion will be in concert at Teatro Principal de Ciego de Avila,...

Billboard: 35 years with Liuba

This week we’ll celebrate the 35 career years of Luiba Maria Hevia. The proposal is a concert with the National Symphonic Orchestra next Sunday, so you can enjoy her music and all the memories from these years. Also, in Music there will be many other concerts. In Visual Arts, an expo and promising conference.In Theatre one season of Teatro de la Luna in Adolfo Llaurado theater. In Cinema, one week of Japanese films in FAC, and all the FAC proposals of course. If you don’t know what to do, here’s your solution: search and find. After...see you ‘round!     Liuba celebrates 35 years of music Next Sunday, July 22nd, at 5 pm, in Avellaneda hall of the National Theater, Liuba will perform with the National Symphonic Orchestra in a concerts for all ages. During the concert Liuba will invite Camara Vocal Leo Choir, National Children’s Choir, Solfa, Olas from Schola Cantorum Coralina, Cuban Art Factory children’s choir, Enid Rosales and Roxana, Frasis’s violinist. Omara always Omara Portuondo in concert, tomorrow saturday 21st, at 9 p.m, in San Francisco de Asís Square, Old Havana. Omara Portuondo. Foto: Gabriel Guerra Bianchini. Weekend with Ivette Ivette Cepeda and her group Reflexion announce...

Billboard: Awesome is the word

This week starts in Varadero with Jazz and Son, an event directed by Issac Delgado to promote the best of the Latin music. It will take place in Josone Park from next Thursday 12th to 15th. Five concerts every night, two stages, more than twenty artists and much more. Would you like all the info? Click the banner and go to dance. We also have more music in Havana with concerts and parties so you can choose. In Visual Arts, tattoos this week and the next. In Theater, two plays. In Comedy, Aquelarre 2018 ends this weekend. In FAC, everything. In Literature, a recommended launching in La Marca. And in Cinema, the whole Summer Festival with everything you want to watch. See you around!   Jazz, Son and a lot more in Varadero Josone Varadero Jazz & Son is an international event to promote the best of the Latin music. It will begin next Thursday 12th in Josone Park, Varadero Beach. More than twenty recognized Cuban and foreign artists will perform during four days starting every day at 7.30 pm. Issac Delgado, the event’s artistic director, already confirmed some of the participants: Septeto Santiaguero, Ernan Lopez-Nussa, Gente de Zona, Los...

Billboard: Lights, Gibara, Action!

The Gibara International Film Festival is almost here. One week to enjoy cinema and more in the western Cuba. In the White Village you’ll fell like home, and there will be a lot to do. Recommendation is don’t miss it for the world. We’ll have cinema also in Havana with a Spanish Film Show. In Music, especial concert with Charles Fox, one of the most important composers in the world. But also David Blanco, Ethiel Failde and Hector Tellez Jr. will have concerts. In Visual Arts, more than one inauguration. In Theater, one presentation of Jazz Vila Project and the unipersonal Dudo is still in Trianon theater. In Comedy, inauguration and program of Aquelarre festival so you can have a blast. And as always, FAC. Follow our lead. Action is on. See you around!   Gibara is coming There will be 45 films in competition this year in the 14th Gibara International Film Festival, happening from July 1st to 7th and will be dedicated to childhood and youth. For this edition the selection committee chose 26 fiction works between films and shorts, 16 documentaries and 3 animations. Check the official Selection here. Silvio Rodriguez will open the Festival this Sunday...

Billboard: Let’s talk about music

AM-PM folks say future is here and Cuban music professionals must be part of it. That’s why they’ll have their fourth event. Days of a lot of talks and a lot of music. You’re all invited! To keep the Music spirit, another super event: Laura Pausini and Gente de Zona in concert for free in Ciudad Deportiva. Also Silvio Rodriguez concert, electronic music, choir festival and much more. In Visual Arts, proposals from de Lyon Biennale in France. In Cinema, some Spanish films. In Theater, the new play by El Ciervo Encantado. And in FAC, a little bit of everything. See you around! AM-PM for fourth time About to begin the fourth edition of the AM-PM “America for its Music”, from June 26th to 29th in FAC, from 2 pm to 5 pm. The event proposes four talks with a general topic: “Music auto-management in digital contexts”, mainly for music professionals and everyone interested in update the knowledge about creation challenges, distribution and broadcasting for the contemporary artist. To end the event, on Friday, the launching of Magazine AM-PM and X Alfonso in concert with Roberto Fonseca. Check out the program here: Pausini in Cuba Laura Pausini and Gente de...

Billboard: Dudo means doubt, so don’t

A play premier by Teatro El Publico is more than enough to do as much as possible to get a ticket in Trianon theater. Carlos Diaz will present tomorrow Dudo, a unipersonal with actor Denys Ramos. The play is part of the third edition of French Culture in Cuba month. So if you have a different plan, cancel. The fire is in El Publico. There is another play premiere in Ludi theater company. Click the banner and find out. In Music there’s a lot: Chucho Valdes, Haydee Milanes, Beatriz Marquez, Cucurucho Valdes, Tesis de Menta and much more. In Visual Arts, La Acacia gallery will reopen with an expo with 44 artist. In Dance, the new Susana Pous company will perform Malson. And of course, FAC program again in the menu. Recommendations a lot. So read, search and find. See you around.     Dudo in Trianón Teatro El Publico announce the premier of the play Dudo, written by Marie Fourquet, with actor Denys Ramos on the stage. This will be tomorrow, in Trianon theater, at 8:30 pm. Directed by Carlos Diaz, the play will also have in the stage rock guitarist and singer Hector Tellez Jr., soprano Barbara Llanez...

Billboard: Cuban Son Shines

Club de los Soneros Dorados goes to the roots and preserves the most authentic Cuban music with modern ways. The participants in this project are musicians from different generations with broad carriers and one common album: Pregones Dorados, recorded by Egrem label. Some of the musicians in the list are Eduardo “Tiburon” Morales, Felix Baloy, Pedrito Calvo and Rolando Montero “El Muso”, among other young but recognized voices like Haila María Mompié, Mayito Rivera and Carlos Calunga. This luxury mix will be in concert soon, and this is our gold invitation for the weekend. But there’re more Music options. In Visual Arts, an expo dedicated to Lenin school, as well as other exhibitions. In Theater, the Harry Potter, se acabo la magia number 100 presentation and the last one, so run to Trianon. In Cinema, the European Cinema Festival in Cuba. In Dance, the lasts Lizt Alfonso presentations with the show Latidos. Last but not least: FAC comes back with a lot new stuff. See you around!   The best of the Cuban Son Will shine again the old salsa palace Cabaret Copa Room in Hotel Riviera. Big concert of the greatest Cuban Son legends. Club de los Soneros Dorados, today,...

Billboard: Meet dance!

There will be multiple spaces for Dance these days. First, a new Acosta Danza season with three world premieres in the Great Theater of Havana; also, plenty of movement around Old Havana streets because of the Dance in Urban Landscapes International Festival; and the opening in Cuba of an extremely well received Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba piece. If you want something else, we also have Visual Arts with several exhibitions. On the musical part, there will be Van Van and NG La Banda concerts in Havana, and the Dayme Arocena Tour in USA, and of course a lot more. In the FAC proposals, music, theater, dance and a very special film premiere. And very soon the 21st French Film Festival in Cuba will start. So keep online and follow us. See you around!   New encounter with Acosta Danza The company Acosta Danza comes back to the Great Theater with the new season Encuentros. Presentations will be this weekend as part of the 120 anniversary of Japanese migration in Cuba. Carlos Acosta’s company will premiere two creations by Saburo Teshigwara, the most important Japanese choreographer according to the international critics. One of them specially conceived for the Cuban company. In...

Billboard: To 2018 and beyond…

There’s only two days left for New Year’s Eve. Here it comes the weekend and with it the last day of 2017. So, if you haven’t, get on planning how you’ll celebrate. On behave of our team, congrats, and of course the billboard! If you want parties, concerts, Music… we’ll start with Luna Manzanares in Karl Marx Theater, and much more you can do before the end of the year. In Dance we recommend a big show with different dances, cirques and musicals variety. In FAC, as usual, a lot. And in Cinema, two tribute cycles you’ll love. Stay with us to 2018 and beyond… Read us every week so you know how and where our artists are moving. Don’t miss anything. Happy ending and a better beginning! See you around!   Pure voice Today, special Luna Manzanares concert in Karl Marx Theater celebrating the end of the year, at 9 p.m. Foto: Cortesía de Luna Manzanares. Havana in concerts These are the concerts planed on January 1st in different spaces of the capital. Closing the year with classics Tomorrow there will be two classic music concerts. First, the National Concert Band directed by Igor Corcuera, at 10 a.m., in...

Billboard: The End

The Havana Film Festival is about to come to an end so you better go this weekend to the movie theaters, to National Hotel or to the parties in La Chorrera. Live the Festival like if it was the last one. Here you’ll see what’s for the weekend. Down below is the Music, where we recommend Dayme Arocena’s concert tomorrow in Mella Theater, and Haydee Milanes as well on Wednesday. Told you Mella Theater was on fire this month. Run for the tickets. In Visual Arts there’re several inaugurations and what brings the 7th Salon of Cuban Contemporary Art. In Dance, the premier in Cuba of “Carmina Burana” interpreted by Danza Contemporánea de Cuba, you can’t miss it. Also the presentation of Ballet de Lizt Alfonso with “1, 2, 3 ... todos a escena”. There will be Theater too, just in case you want to see something on stage, and Literature and the FAC proposals as always. A lot with too much again this week. Schedule your choices and that’s it. See you around!   Last days The award night is getting closer, but you still have this weekend to watch some movies. Here you have the program. Click here....

Billboard: Let’s go to Italy

Italy in Havana. We get vibes to see, to listen, to talk a little, to exchange. Invitation is for a whole week in Italy, and no need to move from here. Don’t miss this chance. Join us! This is what we have: Saw that already? Well... you know we always have much more. Just look further down. In Visual Arts, there’s Raúl Martínez’s 90th anniversary. In Theater, still have time to see the last play by El Público Theater. In Cinema, all these days’ movies are waiting for Havana Film Festival. In Music, Harold López-Nussa as main course; and in FAC, as usual, a lot with too much!   Allegreto Cantabile Inauguration of tribute expo to Raúl Martínez in what would be his 90th anniversary. Contemporary Art Center Wilfredo Lam, Wednesday 29th at 5 p.m. Peticiones Artist Marta María Pérez invites to her expo today, at 7 p.m., in La Acacia Gallery. Rebirth Forum This format is a fundamental achievement in the work of Rebirth/Tercer Paraiso Cuba. It will be a reunion to assess the development of one-year work and to project the work guidelines for next year. CittadellarteFondazione Pistoletto, Embassy Rebirth/Tercer Paraiso Cuba and Arte Continua, in collaboration with...

Billboard: Jazz jewels

JoJazz 2017 is already playing. It’s a contest for you to fall in love of Cuban jazz panorama. Until Sunday you’ll find performances, jam sessions, radio live shows and more. That’s how we start: playing jazz. Join us. Further down in Theater you’ll find a new season of El Público’s play: Ivonne, Princesa de Borgoña. Also the premier of El banquete infinito by Teatro de La Luna. In Dance, we propose an Opera-Ballet Concert with three cultural institutions turn into one. In Visual Arts, you’ll read about “Primer Intento” by photographer Claudio Peláez. In Cinema, there’re several Venezuelan films and from other countries. There will be Literature too and of course everything FAC brings. Let’s start to choose right now. Schedule what you like and don’t miss a thing. Let’s roll then. See you around!   JoJazz 2017 The Young Jazz Players Contest, Jojazz 2017, began yesterday and it will be on until next November 19th. It’s celebrating its 20 years this time, and it will be a sort of preview for the Jazz Plaza International Festival next January 2018. For this occasion signed up already 40 participants and 35 contestants from nine provinces (Pinar del Río, La Habana, Matanzas,...

Billboard: Perfect balance

Welcome Contemporary Dance of Cuba with the weekend opening. A perfect match between the Cuban dancers and the choreograph creation by Fleur Darkin, director of Scottish Dance Theater. Mella Theater is waiting for you! That’s how we begin… In Visual Arts there’s Arte y Moda 2017, a space to meet again artist and designers, and bring cultures together. Totally recommended. As well as the expo by photographer Gabriel Guerra Bianchini who will place over the clouds the Havana Cathedral Square. Follow details down below. In Theater, today will be inaugurated the 6th Polish Theater Week. In music we have all kind of concerts, here and there, so no one misses anything. In Cinema, films from Costa Rica and Belgium. In the Art Factory, all arts in one space. Do you want more? Click the banner and find out. See you around!   Premier with Contemporary Dance of Cuba Equilux is the play for Contemporary Dance of Cuba’s premier this weekend. Usual hours in Mella Theater. Miguel Iglesias’s company embrace the challenge of the newest Fleur Darkin’s creation, director of Scottish Dance Theater, and one of the most interesting figures within the new British choreographers wave according to the critics.

Billboard: Art in one rehearsal

We will start this week with Visual Arts so you can be update about contemporary Cuban art. On that line, we recommend the expo in Studio Workshop Mena gathering a total of 60 Cubans and American artists to build bridges. Take a look further down and you’ll know more. But don’t forget that the Havana Theater Festival is still on, and if you haven’t seen anything yet… run! In Music, as usual, there’re a lot going on, starting today with a Silvio’s concert, the 86th. Also, for all the folks in Miami, we have Ibeyi over there. In Literature, there’s the presentation of digital magazine Apulpso. In Cinema, will take place the Premier of the short film Roma and of course the Muestra Joven’s party. And in FAC, the regular… a bit of everything! These are just some suggestions so you have an idea. Now keep reading to find what you’re looking for. It’s there. See you around!   The 7th rehearsal The Development Center for Visual Arts and the National Council of Visual Arts will inaugurate today, at 7 p.m., the 7th edition of Salón de Arte Cubano Contemporáneo. With the title Un ensayo de colaboración, the Salón will...

Billboard: You are so theatrical!

Roll the curtains. Let the show begins. The 17th edition of the Havana Theater Festival is here. Cuban and foreign participants arrive to the capital to go on the stage. Theater, Society and Resistance are the mojos. No need for anything else. What you have to know to choose a play is down below. Lets hope for applauses. Yet, like every week, there’re more. The Swedish Cinema Shown is already recommended. In Visual Arts you’ll have a lot to choose. In Literature there’s the presentation of Elpidio Valdés. Los inicios, a super recommendation. In Music is Huelva Cultura with much more than music in a cycle of Hispanic culture in Cuba, and also other concerts celebrating Cuban culture day. Of course, you can go to the Art Factory too, you’ll see the program for this weekend. So here you have. Theater route is marked from today to 29th. We’ll be walking the road to keep you posted. You just have to follow us (here or in Facebook). See you around!   Theater, Society and Resistance From today until October 29th the curtains roll to turn Havana into the theater city. In this 17th edition of the Havana International Theater Festival...

Billboard: Cuban party

We’re always partying in Cuba, but this one in particular is a special one. We will have to travel to the western part of the Island, but it will worth it, for sure. This is how the week begins: Fiesta de la Cubanía. We continue with Music and recommend the first presentation of Yeny Valdés in Miami, the ex Van Van band singer now in solitary. Read below so you find out about that and a lot more. Regarding Visual Arts, there will be photographs at the opening of the new space Tatagua. You can’t miss it! Also, in Dance, Lizt Alfonso will be celebrating her 26 years on stage so the company will perform “Fuerza y Compás” for the first time in years. In Theater, Ludi Teatro will present the play “Incendios” while the International Havana Theater Festival is about to start. In FAC, continues the SueciakonstCuba Cultural Days 2017; and in Cinema, we’ll have the 7th Dutch Film Week. As you can see, there’s a lot to do. Take a look at everything, choose and go. See you around!   Party for Cuban traditions Concerts, dance shows for everyone in the XXIII Fiesta de la Cubanía, starting next...

Billboard: A bridge for art

We’ll start this week with welcoming the Cooper Fest and with it the cultural bridges. That’s why is the first thing you’ll find below so you can check the full program and enjoy. Over here, in Havana, we’ll also have Dance with a new Cuban National Ballet season. There’s a lot of Music too, different sounds, different places for you to choose. In FAC you’ll find the Sueciakonstcuba Cultural Days so let’s see what comes out of that mix. FAC’s doors will be open the whole weekend. About Art we recommend the personal shown by American artist with Russian roots Boris Lurie and his movement No! Art. Also there are plenty in Cinema and Literature. Here we go now. Find, go out and let us know after. See you around!   DanzAbierta in Copper Fest Today in Little Haiti Cultural Center will perform DanzAbierta as part of the Cooper Fest, at 8 p.m. Until Sunday you can enjoy everything this cultural bridge between Cuba and USA brings. Here you have the full program. Cuban National Ballet in the Great Theater Next season of the Cuban National Ballet in the Great Theater of Havana “Alicia Alonso” will be next two weekends...

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