Damián Estrada

Damián Estrada

Jorge Peña, known in the world of Cuban electronic music as GreenCh. Photo: Courtesy of the interviewee.

GreenCh: electronic music Made in Cuba

  For Jorge Peña, known in the world of Cuban electronic music as GreenCh, the musical point of view he defends is not the simple activity of mixing beats and tracks in a room full of young people dancing nonstop. This vision is the result of the disinformation and the oversimplification that, together with an increasingly extensive movement of creators, he has spent a decade trying to erase. More than being the favorite of the general public, or flooding plazas and locales with crowds, GreenCh is interested in leaving a mark in an expression located, in his opinion, in the creative avant-garde of an island where the reggaeton and popular music are almost hegemonic. His beginnings in electronic music production date back to 2006, although the definitive boost would come four years later thanks to his artistic union with Dairon Cardona. With him he formed the Arquitecto vs. GreenCh duo, which participated in the principal events of the genre, like Proelectrónica, and won the Cuerda Viva Prize in 2013. “When one works with another person one makes concessions, one gets feedback,” he comments to OnCuba, “but that ‘itch’ to do your own things remains and one day I decided to...