Gustavo Placer Cervera

Gustavo Placer Cervera

Bayamo: on the eve of her 500th anniversary

Bayamo, capital city of Granma province, has a population of more than 220,000; is an important political, economic, social and cultural center with one of the richest histories in Cuba; and has played a prominent role during every stage of the country’s evolution. It was founded on Nov. 5, 1513. It was there that the definitive struggle for Cuba’s independence was conceived and initiated, on Oct. 10, 1868, under the leadership of men like Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Francisco Vicente Aguilera and Perucho Figueredo. For three months, the city was the headquarters of the first government of the Revolution. It was where Cuba’s national anthem was sung for the first time, on Oct. 20, 1868, and when Spanish forces marched on the city and its fall was imminent, its own inhabitants burned it down on Jan. 12, 1869. In subsequent stages of the independence struggle, the people of Bayamo—bayameses—continued to stand out in the ranks of the Cuban Liberation Army. For all of these reasons, the city was declared a national monument in 1935. Bayamo also played a very significant role during the revolutionary struggles of the Republican period. On July 26, 1953, the city’s main military garrison was unsuccessfully...

ALBEAR渡槽的历史 120年的伟大工程

在西班牙殖民古巴的初期,水的供应就是岛上居民遇到的最紧迫的问题之一。   一提到哈瓦那,就有一些搬迁的事情,在其他的原因中,为了解决这个问题也是。在哈瓦那永久落成的前些年,他的居民医用周边的进供水,地下水丰富而且浅。其他的源头就是汇入到海湾的Luyano河,汇入到城市西部10公里处的la chorrea(现在的Almendras)河。前面的河在旱季的时候就少水了,后面的河,比较远,因为在河上面2公里的地方有个井,需要把它用木桶装了乘船运送到河边,再用装在骡子上的罐子运回去,路途非常辛苦。 从1592年起,哈瓦那通过Zanja Real供水,一个开的10公里长的通道,之后就是Fernando VII渡槽,到1835年才结束。但是,19世纪中期,这个系统已经不能满足城市增长的需求了,居民已经有10万左右。


Rarely have so many interesting and dissimilar events and circumstances come together in the history of a ship as they do in the case of the emblematic Canadian schooner, the Bluenose. Designed and built as a fishing boat, the winner of international regattas, subsequently converted into a cargo ship, detained at sea by a German submarine during World War II, shot at by the U.S.