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Three months after the first case of COVID-19 in Cuba was reported, the health authorities reported today the death of an 80-year-old man, thus breaking the eleven-day streak without deaths and the deadly list of the pandemic on the island rises to 84 cases.
Se confirmaron ocho nuevos casos de #COVID19, para un acumulado de 2 mil 219 en #Cuba
▪240 positivos activos
▪239 con evolución clínica estable
▪0 pacientes en estado crítico
▪1 pacientes en estado grave
▪84 fallecidos
▪1893 altas
▪2 evacuados— Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba (@MINSAPCuba) June 11, 2020
As for infections, 8 were reported in the last 24 hours, all Cubans. With this diagnosis, there are already 2,291 people with the disease on the island.
Two of them were related to confirmed patients, in five individuals the source of infection is not specified and one acquired the disease abroad.
This is a 21-year-old woman from Holguin, who arrived from Mexico. Through her, 8 contacts are kept under surveillance in the provincial capital of said region. The remaining 7 correspond to Havana.
Among these eight people diagnosed yesterday, the most affected age groups are distributed in: under 40 (4), between 40 to 59 (2) and over 60 (2). Six of this total were asymptomatic and there were equal numbers of infections between men and women.
Seven patients were discharged yesterday, so the number of recovered patients amounts to 1,893. Meanwhile, a patient in serious condition was reported.
Cuba has processed a total of 127,042 tests and to date 516 people remain hospitalized for epidemiological clinical surveillance while 423 are under primary healthcare surveillance in their homes.