In March she was recognized with the Lady Drink 2024, a title awarded by the cocktail event of the same...
Drinks are endorsed by time and the particularly wise taste of the drinkers. That’s why some drinks evaporate and others...
“I say that cleanliness is health. No one who does that work should feel belittled, nor less than anyone else.”
There is talk of noises, of wails, of dragged chains heard at night, as if the former slaves had resurrected...
I once took a course on travel chronicles and the teacher pointed out that one of the vices of travel...
Pituca, as they call her, lives right below my apartment. She learned to iron when she was little and she...
When he arrived in Hollywood he told Lilliam Gish of his intention to play Joaquín in “For Whom the Bell...
Among the 30,000 missing persons reported during 1976 and 1983, there are two Cubans; they were young members of the...
The most significant wave occurred during the Haitian revolution. They produced coffee, sugar cane and even tried planting cacao.
The trend of contraction in supply is not consistent with the economic crisis on the island and its demographic dynamics,...
A Spanish-French entrepreneur defends education for quality food in a Cuba that is fighting against shortages.
Social assistance programs “encompass a wide range of services and supports designed to provide care and protection to those who...
The memory preserved as part of one’s own body, whether that of a country or that of a family.
Far from the hustle and bustle of the city and in a healthier natural space, they represented the purchasing power...
After the departure of so many Cuban families, preparing the trip for their pets has become a full-time job for...
At the end of 1899, work began to build a modern sugar mill and clear land for crop fields, the...
This will be a “year of deferred laws,” given that of those that should have been approved in 2023, the...
Although I knew that I would not find the exact place where Antonio Pérez Monzón was born, I was excited...
Anthropologist and Ifá priest, he is a man of razor-sharp humor, with a great capacity for observation of what happens...
Experts suppose that the amphorae found at the site contain ashes of deceased persons, or were depositories of these before...
The organization considered that the binational candidacy for Cuba and Mexico met the necessary requirements, considering its identity, presence in...
The problems of phenomena like Halloween cannot be addressed by giving effects by causes, nor with a crime and punishment...
The Cuban market for bottled mineral water has grown since the beginning of the 20th century.
In the bay, the remains of the fleet commanded by Admiral Pascual Cervera still show the fierceness of the recently...
Under various names in different countries, the entity represents one of the greatest guarantees for citizens against any arbitrary act...
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