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There are orchids of all shapes and colors. In fact, there are more than 25 thousand different species and another 60 thousand hybrids. Even in this kingdom is the most expensive plant in the world: the Gold of Kinabalu orchid, an endangered flower whose price ranges from 5 thousand to 6 thousand Euros, and is only cultivated in Malaysia.
1. Photo: Otmaro Rodríguez.
Photo: Otmaro Rodríguez.
2. Photo: Otmaro Rodríguez.
Photo: Otmaro Rodríguez.
3. Photo: Otmaro Rodríguez.
Photo: Otmaro Rodríguez.
Cuba is the second country in terms of orchid wealth in the Caribbean, with about 300 native species belonging to 89 different genera. A representation of them was exhibited from last March 9 to 12 during the National Orchid Festival, an annual event that takes place in the Garden Quinta de los Molinos, in Havana.

Contests, photographic shows and conferences about orchid cultivation brought together a large number of collectors, researchers and growers, who take the challenge of getting these plants flourish every year.