Cuba establishes procedure for state inspection related to animal welfare
In its number 151, of December 29, 2021, the Gaceta Oficial lists the authorities empowered to face violations, apply the ...
In its number 151, of December 29, 2021, the Gaceta Oficial lists the authorities empowered to face violations, apply the ...
The norm, approved on February 26 by the Cuban Council of State, regulates “the principles, duties, rules and purposes regarding ...
Chaired by the deputy minister of MINAG and made up of specialists and officials related to the matter, the group’s ...
It will enter into force ninety days after its publication in the Gaceta Oficial de la República.
A group of animal protectors who stood with posters in front of the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) this Friday protesting ...
In the year that is just beginning, Cuba must finally have specific legislation on animal welfare. According to the legislative ...
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