David Corcho

David Corcho

Lenier Gonzalez and Roberto Veiga / Photo: Roberto Ruiz.

Cuba Posible: thinking about the future of the island (II)

In the first installment of the interview with OnCuba Roberto Veiga and Lenier Gonzalez presented the new project Cuba Posible, its origins, characteristics and challenges. In this second stage of the dialogue, the former editors of Lay Space magazine, also commented on the political order in Cuba, democracy, social justice and economic welfare, the current status and perspectives on the relations between Cuba and the United States.     Is there now a favorable political climate for Cuba Posible´s consolidation as a critical project? RV: Cuba Posible does not want to criticize any segment of Cubans, not the official positions. We want to be creative, not critical. However, from this task will emanate criticisms, but they will not be our aim; and we will always ask that critics are made so that those who have been challenged to respond positively and feel that those who criticize them also want their well-being. That is the only way to destroy trenches, build bridges and build like José Martí proposed a republic with all and for the good of all. LG: Cuba is a country with a huge social and political diversity. Current institutional architecture of the Cuban state no longer serves to...

Lenier Gonzalez and Roberto Veiga / Photo: Roberto Ruiz.

Cuba Posible: thinking about the future of the island (I)

Roberto Veiga and Lenier Gonzalez, former editors of the Lay Space magazine, presented a new project. This odd duo -a 50 years old man with a law degree and a 30- something social communicator, always with some travel schedule or any conference or certain meeting not to drop the flag of political activism, has managed to launch Cuba Posible, a more ambitious project than Lay Space, they say. Both are very satisfied with this endeavor, "a web page, a laboratory of ideas, a quarterly publication and a broad presence in social networks", promises this publication, thanks to the perseverance of its two organizers and funding from the Kingdom of Norway. Just days before leaving for the University of Pittsburgh, OnCuba visited the headquarters of Cuba Posible, on a ninth floor in the corner of Amistad and San José streets in the municipality of Centro Habana. Veiga and Gonzalez commented on what their occupation has been for a while now: how to rethink the Island, how to build a more dignified country. Roberto Veiga (RV) and Lenier Gonzalez (LG) are known in Cuban and international level for coordinating public for nearly a decade the Lay Space magazine. Today you no longer...

Antón Arrufat

Revelations from a reckless man

Anton Arrufat´s strange last name comes from his maternal grandparents, who were born in Lebanon and died in Cuba. His father's parents, however, were Catalans, and it would have been difficult to predict what type of man would have been someone who carries in the blood remains of two Mediterranean cultures so different: the one of the ancient Phoenicians and Arabs, traders since the beginning of times, and that of the proud Catalans, by these days a bit hopeful about their old desire to be independent of Madrid’s power. It seems , however, that the greatest influence on his character was left by the Jesuits, because as a child, he studied at the Dolores College, an institution that belonged to the Society of Jesus before the triumph of the Cuban Revolution: according to himself, he has sober habits, eats just a bit and wakes up early. He also has the habits of certain medieval monks: reading a lot. However, we must not be very observant to understand that the severity of the Ignatians did not teach him to forgo the pleasure of conversation. He speaks with grace and waste; builds compliments and insults as quickly as cunning and those having...

Espacio Laical

Viewpoints on Espacio Laical

During the last couple days much has been talked about the news on the resignation of the heads of the magazine Espacio Laical. In some media of the Cuban diaspora and in some websites, specialists or citizens in general have commented or explained the reasons that led to such decisions. Unquestionably, Espacio Laical had taken a relevant space within the public national atmosphere due to several reasons. It is true that the media in Cuba is not very critical: it lacks independence and determination to face the complex Cuban reality. Besides, debates in Cuba, mostly about politics, end up in disrespect, violent chiaroscuros with no room for practical judgments. Espacio Laical had managed to get away from both misfortunes: it had not only stood up by criticisms but also by composure and balanced reasoning. However, there was a turning point in its course, which revealed disagreements and struggles within the Catholic Church and makes us think of a change of nature of the magazine; i.e. a change in its editorial profile. This brief article may perhaps contribute to understanding the reasons for the creation of the magazine, its active role till present day, and the consequences this might bring about...