Regulations for private import and export in the balance
In the midst of an unprecedented situation for the world and for Cuba, the island’s authorities decided to try to resolve one of the most repeated demands of the private sector. For years there was a demand for agile, safe and legal mechanisms to import or export, as well as a wholesale market. Based on an enormous need to expand the sources of income in freely convertible currency and also to advance more quickly in the economic transformations pending implementation since the last two congresses of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), four legal norms were issued, grouped in the Gaceta Oficial Nº 59 of this year. These regulations, with the forced intermediation of almost 40 state enterprises, create a new scenario for the economy’s private actors to participate in the country’s foreign trade. Like almost everything in life, what was announced combines a group of positive and negative elements. Personally, I don’t usually expect idyllic solutions when it comes to facing problems. I prefer to walk with my thoughts on the ground and my feet in the sky, to take advantage of the opportunities that come by, even if they are incomplete or perfectible, at the same time...