We open today with Rayo Limpio and the third encounter in Chinatown. It will offer an authentic platform to have fun, connect and transform ourselves a little. Embassy Rebirth/Tercer Paraiso Cuba and the Cultural Center Arte Continua, invited a group of responsible institutions, projects and entrepreneurs to activate this space in Rayo St. Stop by and bring your crew!
Another recommendation in Visual Arts is expo Apuestas by Ihos Plasencia, but there’s more. In Music we have everything, starting with Silvio Rodriguez tour over neighborhoods. Also Rolando Luna will be presenting his CD, and Athanai, Cimafunk and Kamankola will have concerts. In Havana and Miami electronic music and many parties. Besides, Comedy show in Karl Marx, and Dance with the National Prize 2018 award gala.
Search and find like every week. There’s something for everybody. See you around!
#ZonaRayoActiva, again
Third encounter in Rayo St, Chinatown, today, 5 pm. Its organizers and collaborators creates actions and ludic activities to bring families together, generate synergies among responsible initiatives and promote topics about sustainable development.
Embassy Rebirth/Tercer Paraiso Cuba and the Cultural Center Arte Continua, invited a group of responsible institutions, projects and entrepreneurs to activate this space in Rayo St., promoting alliances using art and creativity.
EThis is the title of the photograph expo about cockfights by Ihos Plasencia. It will be inaugurated today, at 6 pm, in Pepe Agraz room in Fototeca de Cuba.
“Ihosvany Plasencia (Ihos) usually place himself professionally in the center of a cockfight fence leveled with the same society problems he lives. His discourse advance beyond animal perceptions and enters in the daily human violence manifested in the public picture and in subjectivity”, Manuel Lopez Oliva, catalogue of the exhibition.
Momentos de claridad
The Development Center of Visual Arts invites to a collective show with artist Asmar Cirkinagic (Denmark), Lester Alvarez (Cuba), Thierry Geoffroy (Denmark) and Levi Orta (Cuba). Today, at 5 pm.
Domestic Map
Expo of the artists Patssy Higuchi in Galeria Latinoamericana in Casa de las Americas, today, 5:30 pm.
The art space La Lavanderia and the producers of the International Cinema Festival in Gibara presents: Accion, an event with art, lights, music and artists, the presentation of recent works and future projects. The reencounter and farewell of “Manual de instrucciones”, work and graphic memory. Today, at 7 pm, in La Lavanderia (54 St., 2712 btw 27 and 29, Playa). Open bar.
Silvio in Punta Brava
Today, at 7 pm, will be the 92 Silvio concert in the neighborhoods. This time in Plazoleta XX Aniversario (243 Ave. corner to 41, La Lisa). As usual with him Niurka Gonzales (flute), Jorge Reyes (bass), Oliver Valdes (drums) and Trovarroco (guitar and tres). Guest: Duo Jade.

Rolando Luna in premier
Rolando Luna will present tomorrow his most recent CD, Universo de Identidades. It will take place in Teatro Marti, at 8:30 pm. This is his fifth production, and for the occasion called drummer Oliver Valdes and bass player Jose Armando Gola. In the concert Luna will maintain the same format the album has. As special guest, the Mexican singer Natalia Marrokin.
Jan Cruz in concert
To fly paper planes Jan Cruz will be waiting for you in Pabellon Cuba today, at 6 pm. Don’t miss it.
Athanai in 26
Today, Athanai will be in concert in Barbaram, at 10:30 pm, right there in front of the Zoo.
Surprise Terapia
Cimafunk in Pabellon Cuba, tomorrow, at 6 pm, with some tracks from his new CD Terapia.

Electronic Friday
Today is an electronic music Friday here and on the other side. In Havana Dvass Brothers in La Tropical at 10 pm. In Miami, same hour, four DJs will play in a party at Ocho Live Bar & Lounge (1728 SW, 8 St).
Fruit Friday
As every last Friday of the month, today, at 8 pm, in Cultural Center Fresa y Chocolate, the Muestra Joven party. This time celebrating spring, birth and fertility, so you have to go wearing some fruit in any possible way. At midnight, free fruit cocktail.
Also, they’ll screen:
Amor a mordidas (Camila Carballo, Ani, 2014, 3 min)
Cada lunes y cada lluvia (Rocio Aballi, Fic, 2015, 9 min)
Oda a la pina (Laimir Fano, Fic, 2008, 10 min)
Dios que un pepino (Harold Dias Guzman, Ani, 2012, 5 min)
Kamankola in La Marca
AMuletaMusica presents again his founder Jorgito Kamankola in concert. This time with his new CD Viento. Today, 8:30 pm, in La Marca (Obrapia 108C, btw Oficios and Mercaderes, Old Havana).
The Soul Kitchen
Today, at 9 pm, enjoy good music in El Oficio (Corner Benjumeda and Nueva del Pilar, Centro Habana). Party with cumbia, latin jazz, soul, rare funk, R&B and ‘60 and ‘70 boogaloo. Everything seasoned with electronic funk. Free drink for the firsts 50 people. Special guest the very popular DJ Pozo from Berlin.
Flores in Pazillo
Isis Flores will be again in Bar Restaurant Pazillo! Bookings at: +5353349570.

Frasis in concert
Frasis in concert in Casa del ALBA (Linea 556, btw C and D, Vedado), tomorrow, at 6 pm. The group will premier their most recent video “Para no parar” directed by Jose Rojas.
Show to laugh
This weekend and the next one have a blast with the show ¿A santo de que?, in Karl Marx Theater. Directed by Ricardo Isidron, and the performances by Jorge Diaz, El Primo, Claro, EL Colorao, Riquimbili and Mariconchi. As special guest singer Yenisei del Castillo. Fridays and Saturdays at 9 pm, and Sundays at 5 pm.
Dance National Prize Gala
Cuban dancer and choreograph Miguel Iglesias won the Dance National Prize 2018 recognizing his outstanding work during the past 34 years as director of Danza Contemporanea de Cuba (DCC). He will receive the award tomorrow in Mella Theater, at 8:30 pm, celebrating also the International Dance Day.