The 20- year-old Tessa Kroninger arrived for the first time in Cuba. The Psychology student at the University of North...
"Boxing is me," the legendary Kid Chocolate said with total self-confidence while conquering New York rings and delighting everyone with...
Millions worldwide continue expressing their grievance at the death of South African leader Nelson Mandela in different corners of the...
Perhaps for being the eldest, Barbara Boyle has the rare privilege of being the first to speak at any conference,...
Roberto Fonseca told me last August that ¨Yo (Jazz Village / Harmonia Mundi),¨ his new album, was a "bridge between...
The Cuban Domadores swept the Russian squad in a match that marked the debut of the Ciudad Deportiva Coliseum as...
It is the first time that David Hill comes to Cuba. He had a good trip, about two weeks with...
Cuban Jose Contreras recently reached an agreement with the Texas Rangers to play next season in MLB, according to reports...
Omara came out through the side door to the terrace and the whole atmosphere of the courtyard of the Hotel...
Among those attending the 35 Festival of Havana is Brazilian filmmaker and actor Lázaro Ramos, who comes to this edition...
The new statements made by the Dominican Joel Araujo, director of MLB development and international operations for Latin America, revealed...
We found Ian in the corridors of the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, with his eternal New York Yankees cap and...
Cienfuegos shortstop Erisbel Arruebarruena this weekend will have a tryout in front of MLB scouts. The showcase will take place...
These days, theaters in Miami and New York will host two plays by actor and theater director Alejandro Milian. The...
It is official: the 35th New Latin American Film Festival kicked off and with it the fever of seeing movie...
The digital portal Caribbean News Digital, said this morning that the Cuban capital topped a list of 54 sites across...
The Labor Code is the law ruling labor relations between employers and employees. The one, to date, that is in...
The U.S. State Department granted the needed permission approving the return of Cuba to the Caribbean Series, after 53 years...
Juan Formell, founder and director of Los Van Van, insists that the processes of promotion and marketing of Cuban music...
For Vladimir Malakhov, the marvelous blond of the mythical Bolshoi School, a scenario is the safest place in the world....
That mix of guru and diva of American television that Oprah Winfrey is, recommended his books. Singer Patti Smith, in...
This December 2013, the African and Ibero-American and Masculinity Network (RIAM by its Spanish acronym) and the Todas contracorriente project...
Among the extensive and varied calendar of events, concerts and exhibitions in the city of New York there is a...
Persistent rains in western Cuba this weekend caused a total of 135 collapses in buildings in Havana ( 117 partial...
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