Bill on unrestricted travel to Cuba: Building the “momentum”
Congressman Jim McGovern will actively knock on the door of his colleagues in Congress to discuss the latest bill on ...
Congressman Jim McGovern will actively knock on the door of his colleagues in Congress to discuss the latest bill on ...
In January 2017, Democratic President Barack Obama ended the wet foot/dry foot policy, an initiative of his fellow Democrat Bill ...
U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta, of Cuban origin, presented his resignation this Friday, thus joining the long list of ...
During an interview this Thursday with the Hispanic channel Telemundo, Donald Trump thought he had been "tough" with Cuba and ...
Some one billion people have lived in the United States since it proclaimed its independence and only 44 of them ...
Cubans are freer to visit us than we are to visit them.
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) is pondering the presentation of a bill that would legalize Americans’ tourist trips to Cuba, after ...
The cruise ships that traveled to Cuba until a few days ago offered a simple option to make legal trips ...
One of the most ambitious plans to establish contacts between the United States and Cuba, which began in 2016, has ...
Every morning Julio César parks a shiny Desoto Deluxe from 1948 in front of the exit of the cruise terminal. ...
When in June 2017 President Donald Trump announced a Cuba policy change, he specified that one of his four objectives ...
The government of President Donald Trump plans to allow 30,000 temporary foreign workers to do seasonal work until the end ...
With his chaotic communications, President Trump conveys that he alone is in charge, and maybe that is his intention.
President Donald Trump threatened Tuesday with a "full and complete" embargo on Cuba and the "highest-level" sanctions if the island's ...
The U.S. decision to give green light to the lawsuits against multinational companies operating on expropriated land or property in ...
California Senator Kamala Harris last Monday joined the Democrats, who had asked for the ouster of President Donald Trump. She ...
The Trump administration has declared the most severe new sanctions against Cuba since President John F. Kennedy imposed an economic ...
U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren asked on Twitter this Friday that legislators begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald ...
Since his presidential inauguration in January 2017, Trump refused to deepen the periodic talks inherited from the Obama administration. Washington ...
Since on April 17 the total implementation of the Helms-Burton Act and new measures that restrict travel and remittances to ...
China condemned the strengthening of U.S. sanctions against Cuba, which allows the suing of companies from third countries linked to ...
National Security Adviser to the White House John Bolton said today from Miami that the measures officially announced this afternoon ...
The White House is preparing to launch a new package of economic measures that will affect U.S. companies operating in ...
The Cuban Baseball Federation (FCB) protested on Monday the decision of the U.S. government to block the historic agreement that ...
The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has taken steps to end a deal that allows Cuban baseball players to ...
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